Revd Dr John L Bell

Minister of the Church of Scotland and Member of the Iona Community

John has worked for over 30 years in the areas of music, worship, spirituality and social justice. He conducts workshops and seminars across the globe and, with his colleagues, develops new and accessible liturgical materials. He is an occasional broadcaster and for over 20 years was a regular contributor to Radio 4’s Thought for the Day.

Virtual lectures

John is available to deliver his lectures online, via Zoom or streaming. Please ask about this option when making your booking.


To date, John has published 17 collections of original and global songs, and numerous collections of liturgical material. His most recent books are:

Ten Things They Never Told Me About Jesus (Wild Goose Publications)
Living with the Psalms (SPCK)
And Then She Said (Wild Good Publications)

Lecture titles

  • The danger and delight of congregational song
  • The Imagination as a Key to Unlocking Scripture
  • The life in a comma